IO& Big Data

"OpenMultiMed": COST Meeting

Open Multiscale Systems Medicine


Multiscale systems medicine assumes that the growing amounts of highly diverse (multiscale) data relevant to human health and disease are the key to address current and future medical challenges. Transforming these data into effective and economical medical solutions requires appropriate means for multiscale data modelling, integration and analysis. (...)


MORE: COST Action "OpenMultiMed" (CA15120)


"OpenMultiMed" Website



COST Meeting: Tentative Agenda


Venue: Hotel Crowne Plaza Porto , Portugal


The sessions are all held on the Plenary Room; With the exception of the MC sessions (Tuesday-21Feb, morning; and closing session), the Working Groups (WG) technical-sessions are open to external members, observers, local researchers upon registration (by e-mail) due to the limited number of seats.



20 February, Monday


08:30 - 09:15 Registration and initial information


09:15 - 09:30 Introductions and personal presentations


09:30 - 12:00 First Inter-WGs presentation and discussion
WG1 - Systems Medicine (prov.)
WG2 -
Multiscale Modelling (prov.)
including 10:45-11H15 Coffee break


12:00 - 13:00 Presentations of projects and actions run
local researchers in Porto, in Portugal



13:00 - 14:30 Lunch (local organization)



14:30 - 17:30 First Inter-WGs presentation and discussion
WG3 -Multiscale Data Science (prov.)
WG4 - Multiscale Computing (prov.)
including 16:00 - 16:30 Coffee break



21 February, Tuesday

9:30 - 12.30 MC meeting (MC members only)

including 10:45-11:15 Coffee break



12:30 - 14:00 Lunch (local organization)



14:00 - 16:00 Summaries by all WGs (1-2-3-4).

16:00 - 16:30 Coffee break



16:30 - 17:00 Wrap up, any open points, and closing (MC members only)


Caixa de texto: MC Meeting Venue


Crowne Plaza Hotel Porto

Av. da Boavista 1466

4100-114 Porto


Hotel Front Desk: 351-22-6072500 

Fax: 351-22-6003214


Hotel Reservation Form


MORE INFO (accommodation, travel, others):

Travel To Porto

Porto & The North of Portugal


Support: Filipe Lopes, (FR), João Miranda (PT), José Basílio (AT), Rui Brito (PT),
Vasco Gonçalves (NL)

Caixa de texto: Others

João Luís de Miranda

Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão

Campus Politécnico N. 10

7300-555 Portalegre


CERENA-Centro de Recursos Naturais
Instituto Superior Técnico
Av. Rovisco Pais
1049-001 Lisboa



Phone: +351-245.300.284

Fax: +351-245.300.230


"OpenMultiMed" (COST ACTION CA15120)
COST Meeting

Porto, Portugal, 20-21 February-2017

Caixa de texto: BIOSTEC 2017:Special Session



22 February, Wednesday



9:00 - 11.45 "OpenMultiMed":

WG1-WG2-WG3-WG4 presentations

including 10:15-10:30 Coffee break
Panel discussion: "
Current situation and prospects for Medicine Systems" (prov.)



The speakers and a limited number of students have access to the special session, other participants shall contact the Local Organization for further information. (prov.)







Caixa de texto: Training School